ITS has great experience in creating 2 tier as well as multi-tier applications accessing variety of database servers including ORACLE, SQL Server, DB2 and SYBASE. ITS range of experience covers many platforms including UNIX, Windows and mainframes.

Development Languages

  • C++ (UNIX and Windows)
  • Visual Basic
  •  JAVA
  • SQL Windows
  • PL SQL
  • Transact SQL
  • Rouge Wave
  • Rational Rose


Database Administration and Tuning

ITS provides total database management including both onsite and offsite contract agreements. ITS will work with you to ensure that:

  • Your database is totally secure
  • You have the right disaster recovery plans to support 7x24 uptime
  • Your database is tuned to maximize your hardware and software architecture


Data Architecture

ITS believes in its strong competitive advantage that it has successfully combined:

  • Project management and business analysis expertise
  • Fundamental understanding of relational database architecture
  • In-depth knowledge of the underlying database engines
  • Great development experience to effectively communicate database design to the development and user communities

Data Warehousing

ITS has successfully implemented many data warehouse projects and helped its customers:

  • Define hardware requirements for housing the data marts
  • Define star schemas to represent business facts and dimensions
  • Define data migration paths from conventional, relational database to the warehouse
  • Create powerful search engines to maximize use of the data warehouse
  • Create flexible ad-hoc tools for management and power users